domingo, 16 de diciembre de 2012

How about some activities to do during your free time?

Hi kids!

I was thinking that having some time to spend with our family and have fun is great! We can also take some time to do handcrafts. If you want to keep yourself busy and have some fun at the same time, you may like trying some of the fun activities suggested in these sites, you can learn how to do snow flakes like this:


Click on the following web pages to get the instructions and explore to find other fun activities:

Merry Christmas and enjoy your vacation!

lunes, 10 de diciembre de 2012

Language Exam Study Guide

Remember that our first bimestrial exam will be Language on Thursday, December 13th. It is very important that you check your notebook exercises too.
1. Adjectives: You need to be able to identify "quality" and "quantity" adjectives. Remember they are words that describe nouns, so they are placed before nouns.
Adjectives are words that tell: opinion (beautiful); size (large, small); age (old, young); shape: (round, square); temperature (cold, warm); colors (red, white); material (plastic, wooden); purpose (running, swimming, tennis, football). For example:

I have some new, orange, cotton, tennis shoes. (I am using four adjectives to describe the shoes).

Here is a link to a worksheet to practice identifying adjectives:

Check the activities and games on this page:

2. Simple Present Tense. Remember the simple present tense is used to describe facts and habitual or routinary actions. Describe your daily activities or facts about nature or other topics.

Here is a game to practice using the correct form of the verb in simple present, remember you have to add "s" or "es" when the subject is he, she, it or a singular noun. How fast are you to click on the right form when it appears, (I am not good at it!)

See if you can do this test, to make the negative form of simple present use don't or doesn't and the simple form of verb (run, write, smile, etc.) It is very important that you follow the instructions:

Check how good you are making questions:

You also need to practice your Reading Comprehension skills like compare and contrast. Remember that when you compare, you find how things are similar and when you contrast, you tell how they are different.

For practice, try solving these worksheets, you can check your answers at the end:

You may also try doing this one:

Vocabulary words and spelling. Remember you need to know the vocabulary words in your notebook and the spelling words with long "e" sound like "beam, thief, reef" etc.

Good luck!

Extra bonus! check your math skills with this activities:

viernes, 7 de diciembre de 2012

miércoles, 28 de noviembre de 2012

Hurricanes and Tornadoes

To compare hurricanes and tornadoes you need to have some information about both of these natural disasters. You can watch this video in which you will see images of both, hurricanes and tornadoes to get an idea on how they look.

Don't miss this interesting video:


Then, you can get into the internet page we are using for computer lab class. In that page, you will find information for both, hurricanes and tornadoes. Find the important facts so you can complete your Venn diagram and organize the information:

Check your notebook notes and also you can read the articles at:

 Remember! When you compare two things, you describe their similarities. When you contrast them, you describe how they are different!

martes, 20 de noviembre de 2012

Computer Lab Activities for November

Here are the instructions for what you need to do. These activities will count for your computer lab grade.

First, open a Word document and save it with your names. You will record your results and answers in that document.
A. Check your spelling, how good you are? Click on the link and play the game, can you do all the words?

and spelling:  

B.  As I told you, it is important that you practice reading aloud everyday  to improve your reading skills. To practice that, do the exercise at the link below. Take turns with your partner, how many correct answers can you get?


C. Read the following article. Then find the indicated information and answer the questions.

1. What is a hurricane?

2.  What is the hurricane's eye?

3.  When did hurricane Katrina hit Louisiana coast in the United States? What category in the Saffir-Simpson scale was it?

4. At what temperature needs to be ocean water so hurricanes can form?

5. When is the Atlantic hurricane season?

Now click on the "Tornadoes" section of the web page. Look for information to answer these questions:

1. What is a tornado?

2. How is a tornado called before it reaches the ground?

3. When is the peak tornado season in the southern states of the United States?

4. What size is the largest hailstone, according to the National Weather Service?

5. What causes most tornadoes to form?  

6. What is the name of the scale used to classify (rate) tornadoes?

Remember that you need to copy the questions and write all your answers in a Word document.

D. Look at the Earth's picture. Copy it in your word document. Find and write the names of the following lines:

Equator - Tropic of Cancer - Tropic of Capricorn


Finally, do this writing activity. You are going to play a game in which you need to write a story and draw your characters. Then your story will be published. It may be about "adventure", "fantasy", or "science fiction". Try doing it in class. You will have to write it at home and print it.

viernes, 16 de noviembre de 2012



I hope you are having a good time and that you take the time to do your homework.

As I mentioned to you here is the link to find the information to do the investigation work:

You will also need to watch the videos about Hurricane Isidoro. Please look for the links in the November 2011 file.

There is information about Hurricane Isidore at:

It is very important that you try doing your homework by yourselves!

Watch this video:

Now can you take the quizzes about hurricanes? How many correct answers do you have?