martes, 7 de febrero de 2012


We have learned that rocks are made of minerals and that scientists test the rock's physical properties like color, luster, hardness and streak to identify the minerals in them. We also learned that there are three different types of rocks according to the way in which they form.  Watch the following video about different types of rock in U.K. (England), then answer some questions using the information in the video.


1. What are the three types of rocks that you can find in the U.K.?

2. How does igneous rock form?

3. What type of rock is “granite”? How does it form?

4.  What are sediments? What do they form?

5.  What is limestone made of?

6. What changes igneous or sedimentary rocks into metamorphic rocks?

7. What type of rock results after limestone gets heat and pressure?

8.  How is marble used in the U.K.?

9. What type of rock is marble?

Igneous Rocks: Pumice


Metamorphic Rocks:


Metamorphic Rock formations

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