martes, 8 de diciembre de 2015


To create the habitat for your project, you will need to get information about the most important parts in it:
  • What kind of place is it? Find information about the climate and areas where you can find it. Is there water? is there rain?
  • What types of animals live there? vertebrates and invertebrates
  • What kind of plants?
  • Non living things: sand, soil, rocks, water, caves, etc.
Here are some links to start looking for the information:

video about the rainsforest:

video about the desert:

video deciduous forest

video grassland/savannah

video Pond

video Ocean

Video Arctic and Antarctic Regions

Video Mountains

lunes, 9 de noviembre de 2015


During this block we will be learning about animals and their habitats. We need to know what an habitat is. Click on the link below and find what the definition of "habitat" is:


You also need to investigate about different habitats and the animals that live in each one.
Click on the links below and find:

Different habitats names.

Their characteristics.

Animals that live in each one.

In the link below you will find information about aquatic ecosystems:

 You may also learn playing some games, try the following page: