martes, 30 de octubre de 2012

Getting to know our country: Mexico

A country is a large area with the same government all over where people share culture, traditions, language, etc. Our country is divided in 31 states and a "federal district" which is the area in the country used as seat of central government in a federal system. Do you know the name of the president of Mexico? Do you know when will the next president take over the power? What is his name?

We will learn which the states of Mexico are and where they are located. Try this activity to see how much you know:

You can access the May, 2012 files. Visit the posts "Getting to know Mexico" and visit the links with activities to practice and learn the states and their capitals.

Also visit the INEGI site which has a section with information for children. See what information you can find because we will use this site for investigation activities:

In this site you can get printable maps that you can use for class activities. The site is in Spanish so it can help you understand the topics we learn in class. There is a very interesting section "Sabías que" and there you can find information about hurricanes which you need to check and read at home.

Enjoy the tour!

miércoles, 24 de octubre de 2012

Ocean Exploration - The discovery of the Titanic

Did you know that the scientist who was able to find the Titanic remains was Robert Ballard. He is a National Geographic Society scientist and he designed a "vehicle" equipped with advanced technology which has helped him trace and find things at the bottom of the ocean, he has named his vehicle "Nautile". Watch this video where he talks about his work and discoveries and he show photos of his adventure:

and images about the discovery of the Titanic!

Also watch him during his exploration in the Black Sea:

And watch an interview with one of the Titanic's survivors who was 7 years old at the time she traveled on the magnificent ship!

lunes, 22 de octubre de 2012

Invertebrates and Adaptations

We have just started talking about the invertebrates group and animal adaptations. I have selected some videos to help you learn more about these topics.

Learn about arthropods!

Also, see this one about insects and arthropods!

Try these games about insects and arachnids:

Have you heard about "ocean fairies?" watch this:

And check this page with information about invertebrates:


Here is a very nice video about adaptations. They explain how they help some animals survive better in their environments:

Play a game, how much you know about animal adaptations?

Don' forget to check all the Science information you have in your notebooks and also here in the Tictacjournal!

Good luck in your exam!

jueves, 18 de octubre de 2012


Do you remember what the water cycle is? Does it have an end? Why do we say it is a cycle? What are the steps in this process? Can you answer these questions? Check in your notebook, you should have all the information about the water cycle. Here is an exercise that you can do as a review - Do it, and check how much you remember!

Watch a video about the Water Cycle, answer the questions at the end and finally complete the worksheet below...I'm sure you can do it with no problem!


The Earth's water is constantly changing from liquid to gas (water vapor) and back into water or even a solid -it may become ice!!

Can you tell how much of Earth's water is salty? How much is fresh water? Where is salty water found? Where is fresh water found? Make sure you know the answer to these questions.


Watch this video where a meteorologist explains how different types of weather form:

..and this other video that explains how meteorologists can predict weather

I hope you find this information useful and helpful while studying for your exam!