Block 5 - Electric and Thermal Energy
To check your knowledge on thermal conductors and insulators you will get into the link below:

First read all about conductors and insulators.
Then, take the quiz. Write the questions numbers on your notebook and write your answer. 
Mark your answers in the computer page too.
At the end of the quiz check your score. Write your result on your notebook.

Play a game to classify materials as conductors or insulators by dragging them into the right category.   

Remember that fuels are important to make heat which is necessary to make things work or move, like your car. Read the information in the link below to learn more about them. 

After you read, can you name three types of fuel?

Watch a video to learn about fossil fuels: 

Don't forget your exam is on Thursday!
Science videos are a great tool to get a better idea of what things are in real life. Also, we have a great opportunity to listen and sometimes read in English to improve our comprehension.
We are learning about animal life and the Earth's habitats, and here there is a selection of videos that will give you a better idea of what we are learning in our clases.

The first video opens a window to what our wonderful world is like, enjoy it!

Block 4
Continents and Oceans of the World
Continents are the largest areas of land covering the world. Oceans cover about 75% of the Earth's surface. To learn their names and where they are located, click on the link below and do the activities! 

And here is another activity:

Would you like to play hangman? Check how much you know about the continents and oceans.

And check if you can find them in the map:

Would you like to explore the world and learn about the different continents?

Sing a song to learn the Continents and Oceans of the world:

Block 3 
What is in the sky? 
Here is a song you may sing about the Solar System.

If you want to learn more about objects in the sky, visit the web page "Objects in the Sky": 

Similar Item 1 : The First Annual Planet Awards

The planets of the Solar System song.... 
 What can you tell about each planet?

The Solar System. Watch this video and learn about our Solar System.

Spiral galaxy NGC1232
What about the Milky Way, our galaxy? Would you like to learn more about it? 

How our beautiful planet is seen from space? Take a look! 

Learn about the constellations! Watch this video and learn something more about them!

Also watch this:
You will learn about the zodiac constellations here.

I suggest you visit the following NASA web page where you can find information about what your sign is, aren't you curious to learn about it?

Block 2
Plants and animals
The video "A Trip to the Rainforest" shows us what the rainforest is like. Remember that they are warm, wet areas full of plant and animal life!

Where is the rainforest that the children visit?

What are some of the animals they could see there?

Is there a river in the rainforest?

What are some of the animals that live in the river?

This video gives us a general view of different types of animals and their habitats:

Sea Animals
We learned in class that there is a fantastic world inside the ocean. All kinds of amazing animals live there.
To live in water, fish need special body parts to swim: fins. Also, they need special parts to breathe in the water, they are called gills. 
Follow the links below and enjoy these wonder of our world! 

Watch awesome creatures that live in the deepest part of the ocean!

What adaptations do you think these animals need to live in the deepest part of the ocean?   

You can also learn the song about the animals...


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