viernes, 17 de mayo de 2013

More about the skeleton!

I keep looking for things you might enjoy while learning about your skeleton. I've just found some very interesting facts about the skeletal system. If you click on the underlined words you will get more information and in most cases, their pronunciation.

Did you know that.....?

....the largest bone is the pelvis or hip bone?  In fact it is made of 6 bones joined firmly together.

.... the longest bone is the femur? It makes up almost one quarter of the body's total height.

.... the smallest bone is the stirrup bone, deep in the ear? It is hardly larger than a grain of rice.

.... the ears and end of the nose do not have bones inside them? Their inner supports are cartilage or "gristle", which is lighter and more flexible than bone. This is why the nose and ears can be bent.

.... After death, cartilage rots faster than bone? This is why the skulls of skeletons have no nose or ears.

Here is another game you will like, play and learn!
Finally, try these games, there is a selection of different types of games I hope you enjoy!

Time to laugh....


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