martes, 7 de junio de 2016

Phonics "ow" and "ou" words

You are going to practice using the dictionary to classify words into the two different ways in which "ow" and "ou" words are pronounced. For example we have the /au/ or /ou/ sound you hear in CLOWN, or the /ow/ or /oh/ sound you hear in THROW.

The letters in red represent phonetic symbols which tell us how the word sounds and you will see them in a dictionary.

If you look for the word "clown" in the dictionary you may find a symbol like this [kloun]  which represent how you shoul pronounce the word with "au" pronunciation. If you look for "throw" you will find [throh] which means that this word is pronounced with the "ou" sound.

Here you have al list of words. Get into and check out the words in the list. 
In your notebook classify them into two columns: 

 "/ow/-/oh/ sound"                       "/au/ -/ou/ sound"

Here are the words to check:

1. about                             11. loud            
2. crown                             12. town
3. blow                              13. found
4. town                              14. count
5. blow                              15. pounce
6. cow                               16. shout
7. cloud                             17. mouth
8. round                             18. low
9. bound                            19. south
10. mount                          20. slow

When you finish, click on the link below and check if you can do the quiz:

Play a spelling game at:

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