miércoles, 29 de enero de 2014

PET Recycling (Polyethylene terephthalate)

Why is recycling so important? Watch "Plastic Planet" What do you think?



From February 4th. to the 10th. we will be collecting PET bottles from our homes, school, the street, or anywhere where we find them as waste product. In class we have talked about all the effects these bottles and other things made of plastic have caused to our environment.

Here is the link to the video we watched in class, and which shows us how much damage these waste products can cause on animals. Chris Jordan, a photographer, gathered evidence through his video "Midway", to warn us about the dangers of throwing trash to the environment. Click on his name to learn more about him and his work.


The idea of recycling is very old, there is historical evidence that people have been recycling various materials for thousands of years.

Recycling means to turn used or waste products into new things. Through this process we reduce waste!

Different materials can be recycled, for example paper, plastic, glass, metal, textiles and electronic equipment.

Check the following web-pages for more information:

Learn how PET bottles are recycled by watching this video:


Remember there is something we can do to save the planet!

Have some fun!

Check this great link. They show you how to make crafts recycling things. I hope you enjoy and keep yourself busy doing one of these....


Read, read, read!

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