jueves, 16 de enero de 2014

Science Investigation and Plastic Arts-Science Project

To help you find information for your investigation, I have updated the links to web pages and videos about ecosystems in this blog. Go to the January, 2012 files and click on the "Ecosystems" section. You will find everything you need to do your work. Remember you need to include information about:
1. Where is the ecosystem located?
2. What kind of weather does it have?
3. How much rain does it get?
4. What kind of plants can be found?
5. What types of animals live there?

When you have found all the information you need, you will compare it in class with your team's members so you work is as complete as possible.

You will need all this information to build a "diorama" in a shoebox. A diorama is a model, look at the picture:

Click on the links below for some ideas. You may cut out animals from magazines or draw them. We will use recycled materials so take a look at things you can find at home. We already have some material in the classroom, like newspaper and magazines.





Keep in mind that you will have to share the work so everyone participates. Probably one person can prepare the box decorations, the other three members can make animals, plants, and rocks, water, soil and other nonliving things. Cooperation is very important to get the best results!

Here are more examples:

Use your imagination, there are lots of materials at home which you can use. Each team needs to get a shoebox or a similar box, and any other things like glue, markers, scissors, colors, paint, brushes, color paper, sticks, sea shells, little rocks, tree branches, pasta, dry leaves, etc.

Enjoy your work and have fun!

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