jueves, 27 de noviembre de 2014


As you won't come to school on Friday, here is the work you have to do at home:

To practice reading in a loud voice and reading comprehension, read the article in the link below. In your Science notebook write 3 things you learned from it:

Then, do the following:
Discovery Science Book. Read page 47 and do the exercises.
Answer the following questions in your Science notebook. You need to copy the questions. You can find the answers in your Science book pages 44-47.

1.What do animals do when theyrespire”?
2.Do all animals have lungs to breathe?
3.Name five animals that have lungs.
4.What are the organs of the human respiratory system?
5.How do fish respire?
6.Where do fish get the oxygen they need?
7.How do insects respire?
8.What are the principal organs of the insectsrespiratory system?
In your Language notebook, make a list of 10 words with prefix dis- and 10 words with suffix -less. Use a dictionary if necessary. Here is one dictionary link:

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